Who are the notable people moves and promotions in EMEA in the first six months of 2024.
This in-depth analysis captures all the key moves in Credit, Equity, IR, Legal and Portfolio.
Who are the notable people moves and promotions in EMEA in the first six months of 2024.
This in-depth analysis captures all the key moves in Credit, Equity, IR, Legal and Portfolio.
People Moves Report, H1 2024 – Americas
Who are the notable people moves and promotions in Americas in the first six months of 2024.
Read more31.01.2023
People Moves Report, H2 2023 – EMEA
H1 of 2023 has been an interesting 6 months in the wider economy, which has seen increased interest rates and question marks around the certainty of the economy. Relative to the macroeconomic climate, the Infrastructure Credit market has had a stable start to 2023 with continued hiring across all levels, with the junior end of the market producing the most moves as it does every year. Although there have not been increased levels of hires across the Credit market in 2023 so far, relative to other sectors across the wider market, Infrastructure & Energy Transition remains a growing sector.
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